Hello, my name is Ira. Thanks for visiting.
I have a plaque sitting on my piano that says, “We don’t remember days, we remember moments.” It describes my life’s work.
I’m a photographer and documentary filmmaker. I think I was born into it. I’m the fifth generation Ira in my family and my father was a photographer, camera repair technician, and a beloved high school photography teacher. I took apart my first camera when I was five. I spent my early childhood in Los Angeles and I go back there to visit and work as often as possible.
My wife and I live in a rural area that’s less than 10 minutes away from downtown Spokane. Our little acre sits on the inflection point between urban and industrial and is part of a narrow green zone that provides a migratory path for Moose moving down from the mountains towards the wetlands southwest of here. Last year we counted 26 species of birds hanging out in our yard.
I love adventures. One of my favorite trips was a 3500 mile road trip in an old convertible. Listening to Miles Davis’s sketches in Spain in the middle of Oregon late at night with the Milky Way visible over my head was profound. Sharing a sunset on Pismo beach with hundreds of people who just stopped what they were doing to look westward was sacred. I love the way these moments help to create an awareness of how connected we all are.

I no longer have the convertible because I have switched to Motorcycles as my favorite mode of transportation. I now have three of them. Hey, a golfer doesn’t play with only one club!

I also got my certification as a sailboat skipper and my wife and I have chartered 35 foot sailboats in the San Juan together.
Life is an adventure and I try to bring that enthusiasm to my photography.